Thursday, September 26, 2013

Grand Canyon

I'm back.
I'm going to try to post everyday, but that probably won't happen. Maybe I can post every week?
Here is a pretty picture to start you off with.
This was at the Grand Canyon, one of our many stops on our summer road trip.

 Unfortunately, some of the stops were rather brief and I only got photos from within the car, through the windows. I might be back today to write another post to accompany this one, more about the adventures to and from the Grand Canyon. 

We started our trip to the Grand Canyon in Williams, AZ. T'was a beautiful morning, sunny and cool. We decided to take the train up to the canyon, so we walked over to the train station from our hotel. As we stood on the platform, we saw the beautiful car. It was a refurbished 1928(?) coach, with original mahogany wood trimming, among other things. I thought all the cars were like this one, but it turned out that this was the only car (at least that we know of; we didn't get behind the snack car) that was older. Sadly, I didn't nab any photos of the train car before it started filling up, no nothing of that. I have a few more of the canyon, though.

The beautiful train tracks coming into the station.

A storm was rolling into the canyon. It was gorgeous and foggy.

I think this is pretty much the same photo as above but in black and white.

That is about all of the good shots I have of the canyon. It was so amazing and I want to go back right now. I'd love to see the north rim, too.

The Non-Intro Intro Post

Hi ya'll!
I don't think I want to do an intro. That's boring. Instead, if you want to know about me, you can just head over to the About Me page to learn about me, someone who you probably don't know. Anyways. Since this is turning into an intro post anyways, I won't have it be my official first post, which will contain pretty pictures and nice words about adventures that I've had across various states this summer.